September 23 Patch notes

September 23 Patch notes

Training matrix update

We now display the matrix filters before the report loads.  Filtering the report before you run it will help speed up the load times and reduce the chance of it timing out.  This is an interim fix to allow our developers more time to optimise the training matrix which is a major task and will take significant resource to achieve. 

Learning progress updates and quick links to learning

With this update, checking your learning progress and accessing the learning materials will be much easier. We have added separate indicators for learning progress and assessment progress, allowing you to understand your progress better. Additionally, the learning links to start the learning from a specific point in the course re easier to find and clearly show if you have already viewed the learning.

In the video below I demonstrate how these new features work and show you how the assessment results have been improved. No action is required to access these new features and I hope this update will be helpful for your learning experience.