June patch notes

June patch notes

Along with our new features and larger updates we are also constantly applying minor updates to address any bugs or quality of life issues we come across. 

Here is the list of updates from June 2023 so far: 

  • Training matrix export - we've added a column to the export to show the learner compliance percentage
  • Cross referencing evidence from sessions - we fixed a pesky pug  that stopped you from cross referencing evidence once the session had been signed off. 
  • Manager weekly digest emails - we finally tracked down the final few gremlins that were preventing the emails from sending and rehomed them humanely (honest!)  The Monday morning emails are now sending correctly.
  • Button updates - we noticed a couple of buttons didn't change when you clicked on them.  They now show a swirling circle to show you that the button did work and something is happening in the background.
  • Profile updates - the reviewer no sign off and reporting manager profiles no longer see the new import learning plan buttons.
  • Tooltips - a couple of tooltips had minor updates to make things clearer for you :)